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tamoadmin 2024-07-24 人已围观

简介1.放在二手上出售英文2.美国的二手车可以买吗那个年轻人发现自己攒的钱还不够买辆二手车英语是The young man found that his sings were not enough to buy a second-hand car二手车英语例句:1、二手车车商总是会更加注重车身外判肢观而非引擎。A second hand car dealer will always look at t




那个年轻人发现自己攒的钱还不够买辆二手车英语是The young man found that his sings were not enough to buy a second-hand car


1、二手车车商总是会更加注重车身外判肢观而非引擎。A second hand car dealer will always look at the bodywork rather than the engine.?

2、新车的降价使二手车价格产生了连锁反应。The cut in new car prices has had a knock-on effect on the price of used cars.?

3、C集团公司开拓二手车市拦冲培场策略研究。The Strategy Research of C Group Developing the Used Car Market?

4、一汽-大众公司简唯开辟AUDI二手车市场的可行性研究报告The Feasibility Study of AUDI Used Car Marketing by FAW-VW?



Used car enterprises through the network to sell used cars, from one hand to expand the scope used car sales. But on the other hand, it is not just a simple for used car sales promotion, but use a network between the buyers and businesses added a link, the link can be eliminated to some extent it buyers when buying in time and space. Second-hand car trading website can provide a variety of retrieval way used car and check the used car, than the traditional used car sales is convenient and intuitive. And through the site used car sales used car compared with the entity shop to se out a leasing fees.


Second-hand car trading system development using the MyEclipse integration development environment, the front-end using JSP technology, through the browser to show to the user. Backend is the JAVA development language used, the main use framework is the Struts and Hibernate, through the Tomcat server is running. System main functions include: reception member registration and login module, used car display module, a shopping cart module and announcements and message module. System background main features include: member management module, used car management module, order management module and announcements and message management module.


With the rapid development of economic and popularize of the Internet,trading platform for used cars gradually ears on the Internet.Trading platform for used cars can make business of used cars become more convenient,and it changes the situation where people must buy used cars in the cars' market greatly.







如果对想购买的车的一些基本信息心里有数了的话,可以从KBB的站上进行估价。估价的时候可以根据车的品牌、型号、年代、公里数以及车况评估得到excellent/very good/good/fair四种等级。Trade in最低,是把车卖给dealer的价钱;Private Party高一些,是私人交易价钱;Retail最高,是从Dealer处买的价钱。

4、查汽车记录和mechanic check



因为在换牌的时候需要出示保险证明,所以要先买保险,小编为大家推荐几家大的车险公司:员工保险公司 GEICO、州立农业保险公司State Farm Insurance、前进保险 Progressive



交过车款以后和前任车主一起去DMV,就是考驾照的地方。提前填好产权登记申请书以及车辆价格认证这两张表,双方都签上字,然后出示驾照和车险证明,前任车主交回title和拆下的车牌,自己缴纳车款4%-8%的购置税以及几十美元的注册费、10-20美元的title fee(各州不一样)。然后会给予你新的title和车牌,title留在家里,保险和注册单要放在车里。一切处理妥当之后,恭喜你,你就可以开着车到处游玩了!

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